Web hosting

Our website server uses the simple and easy-to-use DirectAdmin plaform, DirectAdmin is an easy-to-use website hosting service platform. When you log in to the  DirectAdmin control panel, you can:

1) Mailbox management-create, delete users, change password, automatic reply, mail forwarding, spam filtering;
2) Domain name management-bind multiple domain names, park domain names and second-level domain names (depending on the service plan selected).
3) Document year management-upload and download, delete, edit files and data boxes, and decompress files through the browser.

Customers can also choose the Plesk plaformm,Please contact us for details.

The company's website server uses high-speed local, china and overseas connections (1Gbps network interface)

Web hosting price:

*Subject to change without notice.

Customers who choose any of the above plans can use one of the following website templates for free (HK$500 needs to be paid as installation fee and setup fee. After installation, customers can change the content of the webpage in the background by themselves):

1) Multi-Pages Joomla AT Template

2) One-Page Joomla AT Template